Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men in Greenhills, OH

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EVOLVE is the leader in hormone replacement therapy, providing optimal health and wellness care via telemedicine.

Diagnostic Labs

Your doctor may order a blood test to check your hormone levels and evaluate treatment options.

Certified Physicians

We help you find board certified Hormone Replacement Therapy providers in your area.

Custom Treatment Plans

Discuss treatment options with your doctor and find the plan that’s right for you.

Continued Patient Care

Your doctor will continue to monitor your symptoms and hormone levels to adjust your treatment as needed.

Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men

Balancing Hormones Can Help
  • Increase Muscle Mass
  • Strengthen Erections
  • Improve Energy
  • Lower Body Fat
  • Sharpen Focus
  • Improve Sleep
Typical HRT Treatments for Men
  • Optimize Testosterone Levels
  • Provide Endocrine Stimulants
  • Add Estrogen Blockers

Symptoms of Hormone Imbalance in Men: Overview

Someone with low testosterone may also become more irritable to their family or coworkers, and may have lost some of their mental clarity and interest in work. Additional symptoms can include physical changes like weight gain, breast development, urinary problems, hair loss or hot flashes. Diminished restful sleep cycles can amplify all of these symptoms, contributing to an overall feeling of low energy and lost enthusiasm.

Common symptoms include:
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Loss of concentration or memory
  • Muscle Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Hot Flashes
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lower sex drive
  • Hair loss
  • Urinary problems
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Night sweats
  • Adrenal fatigue

Where Can I Get HRT in Greenhills, Ohio

Diagnosing and treating hormone deficiencies and imbalances in men requires the attention of a physician specializing in adult male hormone replacement therapy. Every woman is an individual, and likewise, will have to be treated as an individual. An HRT physician will take into consideration your individual medical history, symptoms and comprehensive lab results to determine the correct treatment protocol tailored specifically for you.

It is important to note that not every adult male will be a candidate for Hormone Replacement Therapy. This is why it’s very important that you speak with a doctor who specializes in treating Hormone Imbalance in men to discuss the right treatment for you.

Testosterone in Men

Physically, testosterone makes men men – it shapes their sex organs and characteristics (facial hair, deep voices) and makes their bones and muscles bigger and more robust in general than women’s. These jobs are mostly done by the time men are in their early twenties.

What Does Testosterone Do?

The Production of Red Blood Cells

But research is showing the multiple ways in which testosterone is critical to the ongoing health and functioning of the whole body. For instance, testosterone plays a significant role (in both men and women!) in the production of red blood cells. As one study puts it, “Testosterone is more than a ‘male sex hormone’. It is an important contributor to the robust metabolic functioning of multiple bodily systems.”

Libido & Erectile Function

Also ongoing throughout a man’s life, testosterone spurs libido and erectile function – but interestingly, it is just one player in the production of sperm. The “bosses” of the sperm production process – luteinizing hormone and follicle stimulating hormone – direct the making of sperm from the brain, as they direct the release of eggs in women.

Well-Being & Energy

Just as estrogen does in women, testosterone in men has major responsibilities for a sense of well-being, energy and capability – these “sex” hormones maintain and support positive mood for both men and women as mentally healthy human beings rather than just as sexual or gendered beings. And while research is not conclusive, there is evidence that decreased testosterone is associated with depression in men.

Mental & Cognitive Functioning

Testosterone is also critical to mental and cognitive functioning –attention, memory, spatial ability, wakefulness, emotional behaviors and reactions, and strategic planning.

Though male and female hormones have many commonalities, testosterone has a unique tie-in to men’s behavior– perceptions and events around competition and social status cause men’s’ body to produce more or less testosterone, depending on the situation – rather than the presence of the hormone causing the behavior. “Increased status”– such as getting a raise or being hired for a new job – spurs testosterone creation. And “decreased status” – such as something embarrassing happening in front of your peers — causes the body to make less testosterone. It’s an enlightening window onto part of what makes men tick.

When Does Testosterone Begin to Decline in Men?

While everyone knows women go through menopause, it’s much less commonly known and discussed that men’s testosterone production also decreases with age. It’s individual to the man, but the average age for this decrease to begin is about 30. And while some men are capable of fathering children until later in life (the oldest documented was 101), fertility in men does decline over time.

Men’s testosterone levels are thought to decrease about 1% per year. This gradual, long-term decline is very different from the erratic, up-and-down hormone fluctuations in women that are actually responsible for many menopausal symptoms. Combined with the fact that testosterone levels vary greatly between men, the slow, even decline can mean it’s difficult to identify when and whether “too low” testosterone levels and/or loss over time may be having negative impacts.

Seeking out more information can be frustrating and confusing. Some sources use the term “male menopause” as an analogy to better understand the hormone loss process, and others can say it just doesn’t exist or even that the term is demeaning. Another term, andropause, is sometimes used casually, but it’s also cited in intimidating-looking medical studies as a diagnosable disorder. And dishearteningly, some health practitioners acknowledge that while symptoms like fatigue may be present they aren’t important or significant enough to warrant attention or treatment.

As if all this weren’t enough, studies of men around the world are consistently showing that men’s testosterone levels have been on the decrease for decades, which makes knowing what “normal” is more complicated.

What Causes Hormone Declines in Men?

At this point the causes of this decline are unknown – practitioners cite a diversity of possible factors including increased obesity, environmental toxins, lifestyle changes like less manual labor, long stretches in overheated buildings, and even spending more time with children (which increases the testosterone-counteracting hormone oxytocin). And like the chicken-and-egg situation where certain behaviors result in testosterone increases rather than the other way around, it’s not known if testosterone levels have decreased in response to a changing world or whether the world has adjusted in response to men with lower testosterone levels.

What Are the Effects of Testosterone Decrease in Men?

Fortunately, you will see agreement around the range of symptoms decreased testosterone can lead to:

  • Sexual dysfunction, including low levels of desire, decreased morning and night-time erections, erectile dysfunction, delayed ejaculation
  • Weight gain, especially around the abdomen
  • Loss of muscle mass and physical strength
    decreased bone density and osteoporosis (Around one in five men over 50 experience bone fractures due to osteoporosis)
  • Decreased energy and motivation
  • Mood disturbances – anger, irritability, sadness, and possibly depression
  • Hot flashes (the body feeling suddenly and dramatically overheated)
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Impaired cognition, including concentration, verbal memory, and spatial performance
  • Increased risk of metabolic syndrome (a combination of increased blood pressure, high blood sugar, excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol or triglyceride levels that can increase risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes)
  • Increased risk of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Increased risk of chronic anemia
  • Lack of drive and determination
  • Not “feeling like yourself” – no longer enjoying the things you used to, sense of disconnection from family and friends
  • Lower urinary tract dysfunction
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What Is Hormone Replacement Therapy For Men?

Lost testosterone can be replaced – as a medication that commonly is applied to the skin in gel or slow-release patch form according to a dosage and regime to suit a man’s individual makeup. It’s also sometimes given as a troche to be dissolved under the tongue.

What are the Benefits of Hormone Replacement Therapy for Men?

For men with diminished testosterone levels, HRT can bring a reversal of the symptoms of testosterone diminishment, including:

  • Weight loss, decreased waist size and BMI
  • Improved libido, erectile function, and sexual satisfaction
  • Addressing testosterone decrease-related increased risk of serious health conditions such as heart disease and diabetes
  • Better cognitive functioning, memory and focus
  • Increased energy, motivation, and sense of well-being
  • Improved relationships
  • Elevated muscle tone and physical ability
  • Return to undisturbed sleep


What is Andropause?

While women experience Menopause, all men starting around the age of 30, will experience a male form of Menopause, also known as Andropause. Testosterone levels deplete overtime, and inevitably men start experiencing the symptoms of aging.

What are the Symptoms of Andropause or Male Testosterone Depletion?
  • Depression
  • Fatigue
  • Muscle Loss
  • Weight Gain
  • Gynecomastia
  • Hot Flashes
  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Lower Sex Drive
  • Hair Loss
  • Urinary Problems
  • Insomnia
  • Irritability
  • Night Sweats
  • Hypogonadism
  • Adrenal Fatigue
  • Thyroid Health
What are the risks of Testosterone Replacement in Men?

Some patients could experience side effects and many of them are linked to dosage which may need changing over time. It is always recommended that you communicate side effects to your physician to be promptly addressed. These effects may include:

  • Increase in red blood cells – This can be beneficial patients with anemia (low blood counts). However, it can cause blood vessel blockage and lead to a heart attack or stroke.
  • Irritability – Some men and women have reported increased aggressiveness or irritability at the start of testosterone hormone therapy. These issues are generally resolved as levels become balanced.
  • Prostate effects – Prostate issues can arise with higher levels of Testosterone. If you have an enlarged prostate, referred to as benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), testosterone may worsen your symptoms, particularly if you are more than 50 years of age. If you have a history of prostate cancer, you cannot receive testosterone therapy.
  • Infertility – This is common in young men when sperm production is reduced but usually reversible after stopping testosterone therapy.
  • Sleep apnea – This is a condition that disrupts breathing during sleep. Although uncommon, it is a reported side effect.
  • Fluid retention – Although uncommon, you must use caution if you have a history of heart failure or kidney disease.
  • Other – Acne, oily skin, increased body hair and flushing have also been reported. Occasionally, hormone therapy patients will complain of itching or redness at the injection or insertion site, bit these symptoms diminish as the body adjusts to treatment.
What are normal levels of Testosterone?

Testosterone levels (also known as T levels) between 350ng/dL and 1000ng/dL are considered normal, however you may still fall within this range and still be considered to have low T. The brain, pituitary gland, hypothalamus and the testicles work together to keep testosterone in the normal range. If testosterone levels are below normal for your body, the brain signals the testicles to produce more. When testosterone levels are adequate, the brain signals the testicles to produce less. If one of these areas is not functioning properly it is likely to reduce testosterone production.

Is Testosterone therapy effective at treating infertility?

No. It can have the opposite effect. Introducing additional testosterone can reduce the amount of sperm the body produces. Other treatments can help the body to produce more sperm.

Is there a correlation between testosterone levels and the amount of body hair?

Body hair is mostly tied to genetics and hereditary backgrounds. Men with Low T can experience a reduction in hair but testosterone therapy does not stimulate hair growth in areas you previously did not have hair.